Surprise Birthday… Karting?!

Mary had something special planned to celebrate Toby’s 40th birthday.  She needed the whole day for preparation so she arranged Toby’s fellow track rats and 17-hour karting enduro teammates Michael, Sam. and Lashdeep to take him go-karting. Michael came by around 10:30.  Sam was running late so we warmed up with some Forza Motorsport.  After a big lunch (that probably slowed our karts) the crew … Continue reading Surprise Birthday… Karting?!

Goodbye Rocky

After June joined Team Shum, RocketS “Rocky” was to remain as Jon’s autocrosser. Unfortunately the unreasonably high insurance premiums made it impossible to keep him.  Jon listed Rocky on Craigslist, and within 12 hours there were two potential buyers serious enough to want to see Rocky the same day! A showing  was arranged with a family that very same afternoon. Jon spent the morning giving … Continue reading Goodbye Rocky